Thursday, November 14, 2013

WHAS 11 Media Critique

While watching WHAS I realized that they disregarded the newsworthy yardstick. Most of the stories WHAS covered was crime and local, there was 41 crime and 82 local. For WHAS the lead stories fell into either the government shutdown and local crime, however their other stories also fell into these categories as well. Out of all the other stations WHAS had the least stories, while the other stations were running stories; WHAS ran commercials, weather, and sports segments. In a typical 30 minute show there was 5 minutes of weather, 4 minutes of sports, 11 minutes of commercial, and 10 minutes of actually news. The time spent on reporting sports, weather, and airing commercials could have been dedicated to reporting good newsworthy news segments instead of airing the same weather report over and over again.

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